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Claremont University Announces Anti-Human Trafficking Course

Claremont Lincoln University

Claremont Lincoln University. Photo:

California-based Claremont Lincoln University has announced an online course to lead the fight against human trafficking.

The six-week course titled Anti-Human Trafficking: Widening the Lens and compiled by experts on human trafficking will inform citizens on how to fight and prevent human trafficking incidents around the globe.

“Human trafficking is a form of slavery and is inconsistent with the values of respect and dignity that CLU fosters,” university president Dr. Eileen Aranda said.

“We are committed to doing our part to impact this problem by introducing learners to the issue of human trafficking, how to identify when and to whom it is happening, and to learnstrategies to intervene or prevent it,” Aranda added.

Aranda further noted that students will gain insights into the systemic problems which lead to trafficking of humans.

The course will be formally launched during National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month in January 2019.

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