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How to Get Involved on Campus

Four young college students smiling and posing together for a cheerful group photo.

Photo: Milkos/Depositphotos

Whether you are going to a big state university or a small liberal arts college, there are plenty of opportunities for you to get involved and meet new people while learning new things. 

One mistake college freshmen make is using all their free time in college napping or watching Netflix (I was that freshman). But if I could go back I would invest my time much more wisely by enriching my college experience by getting involved and making the most of all the opportunities college has to offer.

So here I am providing you with a list of how to right my wrongs. Here are five great ways you can get involved on your college campus regardless of whether you are a sparkly new freshman or a washed-up senior. 

Join Organizations You Believe In

College is a time where you find yourself away from those silly highschool distractions. You learn what you are passionate about, whether that is politics, sports, or maybe animals, there is an organization for you, and if not, start one. 

Organizations and student clubs not only look great on your resume, but they are also a great way to meet like-minded people while doing some good. Most colleges have a website which has all the on-campus organizations, a one-stop-shop where you can sign up, learn about meetings and connect with the leaders. 

Become Friends with Classmates

You have to go to class so you may as well do something productive like making friends while you are there. Meeting people in your classes gives you automatic common ground, you can talk about the crazy deadlines your professor decided to make or your failure to study for your final. See so much to talk about. 

These friends can then turn into people to hang out or go to campus events with. It is also great having someone in your class who can send you the notes you missed. 

Go Greek 

The classic line of “go greek!” is actually right if you want to get involved in college life. Whether it is a sorority or a fraternity, going greek can change your whole college experience. 

Contrary to popular belief greek life isn’t all about partying, much of their on-campus activity surrounds philanthropic work. It also creates a great network of alums or as they like to say “brothers and sisters” that can help you get that job at Google. Just make sure to do your research to find out which sorority or fraternity best suits your personality and college goals. 

Attend Campus Events

Free food. That should be enough to spark your interest in campus events. As a college student on a tight budget, there is nothing more enticing than free stuff, luckily campus groups frequently hold events with free pizza, cookies, and sandwiches. 

At these events, you can often meet people while learning about an organization or opportunity the school offers. 

Dabble in Intramural Sports

Bring that inner athlete out and join an intermural sports team on campus. The sporting options are endless, you can play volleyball, soccer, rugby, basketball, or football to name a few. There is nothing like getting to know new people over some friendly competition.

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