Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Campus Life

10 Best Tips on How to Stay Focused in College

Peak performance in college comes from knowing how to stay focused. Identify the causes of your distraction and find the solution with these 10 helpful tips.

How to Make New College Friends: Top 10 Icebreakers to Try

The prospect of settling in, finding your place, and making friends can feel overwhelming, but breaking the ice is often the first step toward making life-long connections.

How to Keep Track of Your Graduation Requirements

Being proactive about academic performance is crucial, especially as you approach graduation. It's important to address any issues promptly to avoid snowballing into larger problems that might delay graduation.

13 College Life Moves to Unlock Your Dream Career

When you take advantage of college resources and make the most of the professional opportunities that come your way, you’ll find yourself with a degree, a well-rounded skillset, a stacked network, and a resume that screams "hire me!" after graduation.

7 Steps To Create Your Ultimate Study Space

The tools in this guide can help you create a study space that increases focus and productivity for an awesome semestral performance.

11 Things That Won’t Be the Same After College Graduation

Before we treat them as the good ol’ days, here are the best, most unique parts of campus life that will leave a mark after college graduation.

13 Soothing Self-Care Hacks Against College Stress

Every student needs a much-needed break to keep going without burnout. These fun self-care activities can help manage college stress and protect mental health.

The Ultimate Guide to On-Campus vs. Off-Campus Housing

Your choice of campus housing significantly affects your daily life and well-being, as both on-campus and off-campus options offer unique benefits. 🧘