Saturday, July 27, 2024
HomeStudentsFormer Student President Sues Western Kentucky University

Former Student President Sues Western Kentucky University


Western Kentucky University has found itself in the dock after a former student body president filed a lawsuit alleging university for not protecting her from sexual harassment and threats.

Andi Dahmer filed the federal complaint last Friday, wherein she alleged harassment and discrimination based on sex from Phi Delta Theta fraternity members and fellow students.

The suit has named university President Timothy Caboni, Title IX coordinator Andrea Anderson, and director of student activities Charley Pride as defendants.

“She suffered tremendously as a result of the hostile environment and undoubtedly has lost out on educational opportunities,” the lawsuit reads.

The lawsuit alleges university of inaction when Dahmer reported the behavior of fellow students to Title IX office. She was told that her case fell under the Student Code of Conduct instead.

The university issued a statement terming the allegations “maliciously untrue.”

“The allegations made against WKU and the specific individuals named are maliciously untrue,” the statement reads.

“As has been previously reported, the University’s Title IX office determined that while no Title IX violations occurred in this case, there were violations of the Student Code of Conduct. Following due process, the individuals involved were appropriately sanctioned according to University policy and procedure.”

The university has further decided to defend its claims in court and address each individual allegation.

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