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HomeStudentsSodexo Launches Pilot Program to Combat Student Hunger

Sodexo Launches Pilot Program to Combat Student Hunger


A food services and facilities management company is partnering with non-profit Swipe Out Hunger to combat food insecurity on campuses.

Sodexo North America and non-profit Swipe Out Hunger announced the pilot program across 13 colleges and universities.

Nationally, approximately half of two-year and four-year students are food insecure. A similar report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that 30 percent of college students today are food insecure.

The “Meal Swipe Bank” program would provide free meals to students experiencing food insecurity. For every full-time meal plan sold, Sodexo will provide two free meals to such students. The company is planning to make the program available nationwide in the fall of the 2020-2021 academic year.

“Over the past year, we have been at the table with Sodexo working to develop a thoughtful solution to hunger on campus,” said Rachel Sumekh, Founder and CEO of Swipe Out Hunger.

“This program is the first large-scale program of its kind within the food service industry and we know it will make a significant impact on students’ lives and their overall well-being. We’ve learned to never underestimate the power of a meal swipe.”

Eligible students will get dining plan cards similar to the standard cards to ensure privacy.

The schools that are part of the program are Augustana University, California Lutheran University, California State University San Bernardino, Chapman University, Creighton University, Dakota State University, Menlo College, Northwest Nazarene University, San Francisco State University, Seattle Pacific University, University of Idaho-Wallace, Warner Pacific College and Westmont College.

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