Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeFacultyBryn Mawr College Professor Wins 2018 Janet L. Hoopes Award

Bryn Mawr College Professor Wins 2018 Janet L. Hoopes Award


A Bryn Mawr College professor has won the 2018 Janet L. Hoopes Award for making a significant contribution to the education of those living with learning disabilities.

Professor Leslie Rescorlawho teaches psychology, received the award from the Pennsylvania Branch of the International Dyslexia Association (PBIDA) at its annual conference on Reading, Literacy and Learning Disabilities.

“Rescorla took advantage of her unique position — and generations of students, from preschoolers to undergrads to graduate students, have been the beneficiaries of her diverse interests,” the college said in a release.

“As Director of the School Psychology Certification Program and the Clinical Developmental Psychology Program for 20 years, she trained dozens of psychologists in clinical and school psychology, many currently practicing in the region.”

Rescorla who joined the college in 1985 administered Phoebe Anna Thorne School preschool programs and the Child Study Institute apart from teaching and research.

She is credited with co-authoring numerous books and publishing more than 100 peer-reviewed journal articles.

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