Sunday, February 23, 2025


Noem Presents Bill to Ban Teaching of Critical Race Theory

South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem has authored new legislation attempting to ban critical race theory from local public schools and universities.

Barnard Prof Who Used N-Word Will Not Be Punished

The Title IX office at Barnard College will not take action against a professor who used the N-word in one of his classes.

Princeton Sued for ‘Trauma’ After Acclaimed Prof Defends Rapist

An ex-Princeton student is suing the university after a campus hearing on her alleged rape caused her to drop out.

Idaho Prof: Bar Women From Engineering, Medicine, Law

A Boise State professor is urging schools to bar women from engineering, medicine, and law because independent women are "quarrelsome.” 

Former Temple Dean Forged Data to Boost College Rank

Federal prosecutors have found a former dean of Temple University guilty of faking data to boost his school’s position in national rankings.

ODU Professor Resigns Amid Pedophile Research Controversy

An Old Dominion University professor whose comments on adults attracted to underage people sparked controversy has submitted his resignation.

Miami Professor Jailed for Laundering Stolen Venezuela Funds

A retired professor from the University of Miami has been sentenced to six months in prison for money laundering.

Virginia Professor Faces Backlash After Defending Pedophiles

A sociology professor's controversial comments about pedophiles have sparked outrage.