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HomePolicyPete Buttigieg Promises $500 Billion Investment to Lower College Costs

Pete Buttigieg Promises $500 Billion Investment to Lower College Costs


As the 2020 presidential election nears, Democratic candidates running for office are coming up with new promises that seek to make major changes in the higher education system in the country.

Pete Buttigieg, the mayor of South Bend, proposed An Economic Agenda for American Families which, he says, will increase the incomes, lower costs, and brighten the future of its citizens.

The plan promises to invest $500 billion to make college affordable for working and middle-class families and increase the value of Pell Grants to help students cover the housing and transportation costs.

Historically Black Colleges and Universities and other Minority Serving Institutions will see an investment of $50 billion under his plan.

It proposes to address the concern of student parents by lowering the childcare through $700 billion investment in affordable, universal and high-quality early learning. The lower-income families will be able to access early learning and care from birth through age five for free.

“This will ensure that children benefit from early learning and that parents can participate as fully in the labor market as they choose,” the plan read.

Buttigieg also promised to pass a $15 minimum wage, ensure all working Americans have access to paid sick leave and 12 weeks of comprehensive paid family and medical leave and invest $5 billion to create a national network of apprenticeships.

Earlier in his campaign, Buttigieg had promised to ensure zero tuition for middle-income families at public colleges and dedicated support to HBCUs and MSIs. He also proposed largely increasing Pell Grants that help students with basic living expenses and keep up with inflation.

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