Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeCampus LifeLGBTQ Students Face Discrimination on College Campuses

LGBTQ Students Face Discrimination on College Campuses [Survey]


LGBTQ students continue to face discrimination on campuses across the country as most higher education institutions continue to lack protections against discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.

According to a new survey conducted by College Pulse, 64 percent of college students said there is a lot or some discrimination against gay and lesbian students on their campus.

College Pulse surveyed 12,340 full-time and part-time students attending four-year colleges or universities in the U.S. who are part of its American College Student Panel.

The aforementioned statistic rises to 75 percent when LGBTQ students are asked the same question.

Nearly 62 percent of females and 41 percent of male students said that they would be comfortable with an LGBTQ roommate, while 25 percent of males and 21 percent of female students said they would be uncomfortable.

Last year, President Donald Trump announced his plans to make changes to the definition of gender, determining it “on a biological basis that is clear, grounded in science, objective and administrable.”

Various groups voiced concerns over this definition change, claiming that it could have a drastic impact on federal protections offered to transgender people. Many universities, including Pennsylvania State University, criticized the move and reassured their LGBTQ community members of ongoing protection.

Earlier this month, Penn State University pledged its support to the Pennsylvania Values campaign, which is seeking to update the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act of 1955 which currently outlaws discrimination against 11 protected classes, including race and religion, but not sexual orientation or gender identity.

The campaign seeks to prohibit discrimination in housing, employment and public accommodations for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Pennsylvanians.

Northwestern University Reaffirms Support to LGBTQ Community Members

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