Monday, March 31, 2025


Opposition to McGraw Hill–Cengage Merger Grows Louder

Critics believe that the merger of two top publishers would “reduce competition, disincentivize innovation, and raise prices for students.”

Betsy DeVos Finalizes Borrower Defense Regulations

The new rules would ensure stronger protections for student borrowers from misrepresentation and fraud and save taxpayers $11.1 billion in the next 10 years.

Non-Profit Launches Campaign to Support Passage of FUTURE Act

The organization is asking like-minded organizations and people to write to members of Congress to encourage support for FUTURE Act.

Free Educational Program Approved to Help Indiana Adults

The Graduation Alliance will offer a free online educational program to help adult learners who have not yet graduated high school or earned a GED to graduate.

New Jersey Governor Signs Bill to Protect Student Loan Borrowers

The new law will tighten the regulations governing student loan servicing companies and create a Student Loan Ombudsman.

Trump Administration Forgives Student Loans of Disabled Veterans

Nearly 25,000 veterans with a total and permanent disability will have their student loans forgiven through Total and Permanent Disability (TPD) Discharge process.

Most Americans Support Democrats’ Idea of Free College [Poll]

Between 60 and 69 percent of the American adults endorse the idea of making public four and two-year colleges tuition-free.

Initiative Launched to Tackle Mental Health Issues Among Graduate Students

The initiative will create evidence-based policies and resources to tackle mental health issues among masters and doctoral students.