Friday, March 14, 2025
HomeSchoolsLamar State College Slashes Tuition Rates by 29 Percent

Lamar State College Slashes Tuition Rates by 29 Percent


Lamar State College Port Arthur has allocated 95 percent of its recently approved state budget to reducing tuition and other fees.

The college, which is part of the Texas State University System, directed $16.5 million of the total $17.3 million allocated to narrow the funding gap between the Lamar State Colleges and community colleges, reducing tuition by 29 percent overall. The remaining 5 percent of the budget will go toward strengthening student support services.

With the System Board of Regents vote, the cost of attending the college will drop from $3,051 to $2,165 for a student taking 15 hours. Tuition rates at Lamar Institute of Technology and Lamar State College-Orange will also be affected.

“The reduction of tuition and fees for students is counter to the national trend of rising tuition and will give Port Arthur residents and the students of Lamar State College-Port Arthur new hope in achieving their dream of graduating from college,” President Dr. Betty Reynard said.

“The tuition and fees reductions for those students will impact them directly … and in a truly meaningful way.”

Lamar Institute of Technology, Lamar State College Orange, and Lamar State College Port Arthur are the only public, two-year colleges serving the Golden Triangle area of Southeast Texas.

Full-time students will pay standard tuition and fees of $1,995 at all three colleges, roughly the same price as in 2009. Students enrolled in dual credit courses will also witness a drop from $75 to $110 per semester credit hour to $50 per semester credit hour.

“This tuition cut will make these state colleges even more attractive to students who would like to advance their careers and increase their earnings,” William F. Scott, Board of Regents chairman, said. “Our hope is that students who have been on the fence about continuing their education will strongly consider enrolling this fall.”

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