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HomeStudentsNorthwestern University Announces Native American Fellowship

Northwestern University Announces Native American Fellowship


Northwestern University has started a fellowship program for undergraduate and graduate students to conduct research on Native American and Indigenous communities.

The fellowships offered by Northwestern’s Center for Native American and Indigenous Research (CNAIR) will provide selected students with funds to do research and receive faculty mentorship.

“CNAIR is Northwestern’s primary vehicle for advancing the scholarship, teaching, learning and artistic and cultural practices of Native American and Indigenous communities,” co-director of the Center Patty Loew said.

The new fellowships, open to students from all disciplines were set up, after Native American Outreach and Inclusion Task Force recommended strengthening the university’s relationship with Native American communities.

“The way that the Northwestern community has encouraged, supported and collaborated with the new center has been very encouraging. I am excited by this progress and for what it suggests for the future,” Northwestern University Provost Jonathan Holloway said.

“Already, CNAIR’s goal of supporting research that is meaningful and relevant to Native communities is moving forward.”

Applications for the fellowship will be accepted through November 15, 2018.

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