Tuesday, March 4, 2025
HomeSchoolsPetition Asks Trump to Appoint LeBron James as Secretary of Education

Petition Asks Trump to Appoint LeBron James as Secretary of Education


An online petition on thepetitionsite.com is calling for the replacement of Besty DeVos and appointment of basketball player LeBron James as the U.S. secretary of education.

The petition addressed to President Donald Trump makes a strong case for James to take over the new role while criticizing DeVos.

The first candidate is famed athlete  LeBron James, a highly respected and extremely influential community advocate and activist who recently opened a state-of-the-art public school for at-risk children in Akron, Ohio — with community services on-site like job placement for parents, guaranteed college tuition for every student who graduates, and a score of other student services like a FREE bicycle and helmet,reads the petition.

“The second candidate is Betsy DeVos, a scandal-ridden Republican donor who shows an inexcusable dislike for public education, wants to gut protections for women and minorities, and has advocated for teachers to be armed in schools,” the petition adds.

The petition has received more than 29,855 signatures as of Friday afternoon.

Last month, James received praise from various quarters for starting the “I Promise School” at Akron, Ohio, for 240 third and fourth graders.

“LeBron James is an inspiration to kids all over the country. He’s shown he cares about America’s youth and understands the power of public education in helping children meet their true potential,” the petition continues.

Lately, the new higher education rules proposed by DeVos have drawn sharp criticism from various quarters fearing that the regulations would make it practically impossible for students who have been defrauded by higher education programs to cancel their debts.

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